আইইএলটিএস প্রশ্ন যেমন হয় (নমুনা প্রশ্ন)
বিদেশে উচ্চশিক্ষার আগে ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইংলিশ ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ টেস্ট বা আইইএলটিএস-এ অংশ নিতে হয়। আইইএলটিএসের ২টি মড্যুল (module) আছে- একাডেমিক ও জেনারেল। এর মধ্যে প্রার্থীদের একটি মডিউলের পরীক্ষায় অংশ নিতে হয়। শিক্ষার্থীদের বেলায় একাডেমিক মডিউলটি প্রযোজ্য। এ পরীক্ষা হয় চারটি অংশে- লিসেনিং, রিডিং, রাইটিং এবং স্পিকিং। আইইএলটিএস পরীক্ষা সম্পর্কে স্বচ্ছ ধারণা তৈরির জন্য শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ‘একাডেমিক মড্যুল’ পরীক্ষার একটি নমুনা (sample) প্রশ্ন কাঠামো দেওয়া হলো-
Sample Question of IELTS (Academic Module)
1. Listening test
Section 1. A person was inquiring about having an event at a hotel. The questions were about the date, number of participants, menu, room price, and types of tables.
Section 2. About a work-related seminar.
Questions: short-answer questions about the kind of information that will be provided during the seminar and what type of seminar that is (1 out of 4 types).
Section 3. A teacher and a student were discussing a seminar about their project.
Section 4. About people’s happiness.
Questions: Multiple choice, filling in gaps.
2. Reading test
Passage 1. An article about interpretation of languages.
Passage 2. An article about human personalities and examples of few famous people with real life incidents they had.
Passage 3. Research topic and scientists involved in that research and experimental views and effects.
3. Writing test
Writing Task 1 (a report)
We were given three charts describing the proportion of accommodation in a city in four categories in 1962, 1982 and 2002.
Writing task 2 (an essay)
Many experts hold the opinion that the increasing demand for oil and gas means people should look for new sources of energy for the future. Others feel that the damage to the land would be a major disadvantage of such search. What is your opinion? Explain and give reasons from your own experience.
4. Speaking test
The speaking questions below were shared by Z from Bangladesh (thank you!)
– What is your full name?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you enjoy it? Why?
– Do you think getting such a job is difficult?
– When did you first use the Internet?
– Do you think your life would be harder without the Internet?
Cue Card
Describe a foreign music event that you have been to. Please say-
– When was it?
– Where was it?
– How did you feel there?
– What is the impact of music on people’s lives?
– Why do people like different types of music?
– Does any social factor play a role in choosing music?
– What is the importance of music in people’s lives? Discuss different categories of music.